Garlic Theatre’s Shadow Puppet Workshop is an inspirational experience for your children. The workshop can be linked to the science of light and shadow, storytelling and we can also help you to work creatively with books such as Where the Wild Things Are.

 Shadow puppets can be simple and can be complex, but always look fantastic on a big screen so they can hugely enhance self-esteem and creativity in children. Mark and Iklooshar have 20 years experience of running workshops in school settings.

Further Information

A one day workshop can accommodate 2 classes Each session lasts for 1 and a half hours minimum. Suitable for Reception and Year 1 up to Year 6. Each workshop will be tailored to the abilities of the students. Maximum 30 students per session

Workshop Details

For all ages from 5 years

One session lasts a minimum of 1 and a half hours. Two sessions can be booked per day

The shadow puppet workshop is suitable for EYFS and KS1 and KS2. A whole day workshop can accommodate 2 classes. 

School Information
